Sample Letter of Recommendation by nextopusa
এই নোটে আমরা রিকমেন্ডেশন লেটার এর ৪টা স্যাম্পল দেখবো। প্রথমটাতে কিছু কিছু শব্দ বোল্ড করে দেয়া আছে, সে শব্দগুলো নির্দেশ করে যে আপনার কোন কোন কোয়ালিটি গুলো রিকমেণ্ডেশন লেটারে উঠে আসা উচিৎ। যিনি আপনার সুপারভাইজার অথবা যাদের সাথে আপনি রিসার্চ পারপাসে যুক্ত, তাদের লেটারে তারা রিসার্চ প্রজেক্ট নিয়ে উল্লেখ করেন। যাদের সাথে আপনি রিসার্চের মাধ্যমে যুক্ত না, তারা ক্লাস পারফরম্যান্স, বা অন্যান্য দিক তুলে ধরেন।
অনেক ফ্যাকাল্টি মেম্বার ছাত্রদের কাছ থেকে ড্রাফট চায়, এরপর এডিট করে খামে পুরে দেয়। আপনার রেফারি ফাইন্যালি যে লেটার টা লিখলেন, সেটা দেখার স্বাধীনতা আপনার আছে কি নেই, সেটা সম্পূর্ণ নির্ভর করে আপনার রেফারির ওপর। নিচের চারটা লেটারের প্রতিটা যার যার লেখা, নোটের নিচে তাদের নাম উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে। তারা নিজেরাই তাদের স্টুডেন্টের জন্য এগুলো লিখেছেন।
To whom it may concern
I am very content to write a recommendation letter for Mr. ___________ who I have observed for the last five years develop both academically and personally into a matured individual ready in every way for graduate study. He is bright, energetic, compassionate and genuinely well rounded.
While teaching, I found him very attentive and enthusiastic to the subject matter of the courses. His lucid understanding of courses is reflected in his grades – consistently above average in all his undergraduate semesters. I have also a good scrutiny in the area of his research interest. I have guided him in accomplishing his research thesis at undergraduate level. He is still in a research project under my supervision. From my close and constant supervision I have found him intuitive and patient enough to devote fully into the anatomy of a research project he works in.
I know from my sound acquaintance with Mr. ___________ that he has active participations in a diverse assortment of extracurricular activities ranging from cultural activities to social welfare and leadership.
I hope that Mr. _________ is an exceptional candidate with potent enthusiasm to excel in any graduate program under the board domain of environmental economics. I strongly recommend him and wish him the very best in all future endeavors.
Written by….
Mohammad Mahfuzur Rahman, PhD, Mississippi State University, USA; Assistant Professor, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong
To whom it may concern,
Mr. _______, being a student at the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences of Chittagong University, has been in touch with me since his undergraduate years. It is certainly a long time for me to get a detailed idea about his curricular and co-curricular abilities. I need not mention his curricular abilities which are evident from the documentary proofs he is submitting with this application. He kept the signature of his scholastic aptitudes all through his educational career, he got Bangladesh government scholarship at primary, junior, secondary and higher secondary levels in competitive examinations under the Bangladesh Education boards.
What I am rather more interested than his results is the organizational and communicative skills he possesses. In my judgment, these are the deciding factors in selecting any candidate for graduate study. I found him to be a very amicable and adaptive team player with clear understanding about the roles and responsibilities that an individual must have to make team-works successful. Moreover, he was very social and concerned about the problems of his team members as evident from his efforts to reach them when they need him.
His ability to organize is demonstrated by his active participation in the formation of a non-profit organization – Janala (in English, Window) along with his batch mates. They have so far organized a number of successful events including – documentary shows, community based waste management campaign and so forth. This ability of organization will definitely help him during his graduate study.
One big challenge for the students in overseas graduate courses is the ability to adapt to foreign environment. Though Mr. __________ has not stayed overseas earlier, he stayed away from his family and lived at IFESCU dormitory during his undergraduate studies. This experience of staying away from family and adapt to students of diverse choices and backgrounds will immensely help in adapting overseas towards successful completion of his graduate education.
I wish him a very successful graduate career at par with the educational performances he has demonstrated so far.
Written by…
M Mosharraf Hossain, PhD, Osaka University, Japan; Associate Professor, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong
To whom it may concern,
Confirmed that the aforementioned fellow has been pursuing an M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences at University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. He did his Bachelor in Environmental Sciences from the same University with a very high academic note.
He has been in close research cooperation with me since the beginning of 2008. He started to work with me as a Research Assistant on community forestry development and its socio-economic functionalities in Bangladesh. Later he assisted in field data collection to one of my Japanese students who worked on community forestry. Now he along with few other Bangladeshi students are working with me as Research Assistant and we are working on Indigenous people and their livelihoods and forest dependency analysis alongside of his M.Sc. studentship. For this purpose he has been awarded a research grant from the Freiburg University.
Mr. ________ as a young student has shown a good research promise that some of his papers have been published from reputed journal and some are underway. Scrutinizing his past academic record, this is evident that this young fellow has an outstanding academic feat from primary education to his under graduate studies. He is one of the talented guys that have pursued all academic education through different forms competitive national scholarships.
This young fellow is blessed with splendid communication skills. I believe that he will able to plan and execute research works independently. I congratulate his endeavor on learning and he is a quick and passionate learner. I am confident that when he is given a chance, he will continue to show his further academic promise while pursing his education at your University. I wish him very best in his life.
Written by…
Nur Muhammed, Post doctoral fellow, University of Freiburg, Germany
To whom it may concern,
I recommend you one of my brilliant students, Mr. _________ as a graduate student at your university. I am a faculty member in the institute where he earned his undergraduate degree and where I teach courses like Principles of Economics, Forest Resource Economics, Environmental Economics and Project Analysis etc. Mr. _________ worked as my research assistant for a year and I know him quite well both academically and personally for about three years.
As for research, I found him very much organized in his job. I supervised him in his undergraduate dissertation on Environmental Kuznets Curve. He ensconced quickly in the research and dealt with it pretty well. The characteristics, I noticed, that make him most suitable for research, is his passion and perseverance to get things done. His perception of Environmental Economics guided him well in this particular research. From that study, a total of 4 papers are published; one of them is in Energy policy (Elsevier) with the title “Global observation of EKC hypothesis for CO2, SOx and NOx emission: A policy understanding for climate change mitigation in Bangladesh”.
His academic records are considered as above average (within the upper 10%). Beside his academic performance, he gave us some well-organized cultural programs that show his organizing ability.
Mr. _________ is a good fit for graduate work in your university and I am positive that he will excel in his further studies/research if it is oriented to Environmental economics. I wish him all the best.
Written by…
Danesh Miah, Post Doctorate Fellow, Shinshu University, Japan; Associate Professor, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, University of Chittagong
Credit: ফরহাদ হোসেন মাসুম, nextopusa